
Key Note Address
セッション1 浅海域生物制御系
セッション2 岩礁域生物制御系
セッション3 溯河性魚制御系
セッション4 浮魚制御系
Closing Remarks

9:00受 付於:仙台市斉藤報恩会館
9:20開会の挨拶東北水研所長乾 靖夫
9:40開催趣旨東北水研企画連絡室長浮 永久(水産生態系チームリーダー)
Key Note Address (座長:浮 永久)
9:50How to Detect the Effect in Releasing Operation of Hatchery raised Kuruma Prawn Postlavae?-Case Study of the Operation in the Hamana Lake-
伏見 浩(福山大海洋生物工学)
10:20Contribution of Ecological Research to Development of Stock Enhancement: Critical Viewpoints and Issues
田中 克(京都大農)
Session1 浅海域生物制御系 (座長:山下 洋・John Miller)
10:50The Ecology of the Early Life Stages of the Place, Pleuronectes platessa L. : A Review
Robin N.Gibson(Dunstaffnage Mar.Lab., UK)
11:30The Ecology and Management of Juvenile Summer Flounder (Paralichthys
dentatus): Testing Ecological Hypotheses with Stocked Fish
John M. Miller,William H.Neil(North Carolina State Univ.,USA)and Kenneth M.Leber(Mote Mari.Lab.,USA)
13:10Early Life History of Brown Sole Pleuronectes herzensteini in the Sado Strait and Adjacent Waters
永澤 亨・藤井徹生・山田東也(日水研)
13:35Wind-induced Drift of Brown Sole Eggs and Larvae in the Shelf Region near Sado Strait in Relation to the Recruitment Mechanism
14:00Experimental Evidence of Available‘Carrying Capacity’in Juvenile Striped Mullet Habitats
Kenneth M.Leber,Nathan P.Brennan (Mote Mar.Lab.,USA)and Steve M.Arce(The Ocean.Inst.,USA)
14:40An Overview of the USA Gulf of Mexico Marine Stock Enhancement Research Consortium: Goals, Objectives and Rationale
Jeffrey M.Lotz (Inst.Mar.Sci., Univ.Southern Mississippi、USA)
15:40Stock Enhancement of Pacific Threadfin Polydactylus sexfilis in Hawaii
David A.Ziemann and Alan M.Friedlander(The Ocean.Inst.,USA)
16:20Occurrence, Distribution and Utilization of Nursery Grounds of Settling and Newly Settled Stone Flounder, Kareius bicoloratus in Sendai Bay
山下 洋(東北水研)
16:45Selective Feeding on Siphons of Nuttalia olivacea by Juvenile Stone Flounder and Regeneration of the Siphons
大森迪夫・富山 毅・工藤 真・伊藤絹子・片山知史・佐々木浩一(東北大農)
(19:00-21:00 Reception at Sendai Plaza Hotel)
UJNR Aquaculture Panel Joint Address
9:30Japan-U.S. Flounder Stock Enhancement Cooperative Program
Paul Kilho Park(Oxford Lab.,NOAA,USA)
Session 2 岩礁域生物制御系  (座長:寺脇利信・L.E.Morgan)
10:30Size Dependent Change in Habitat, Distribution and Food Habit of Juvenile Disc Abalone Haliotis discus discus on the Coast of Nagasaki Prefecture, Southwest Japan
11:00The Ecological Role of Algal Communities for Abalone and Sea Urchin Populations
關 哲夫(東北水研)
11:30Community Structure of the Shallow Sublittoral Rocky Areas in Awa-shima Island,the Sea of Japan
林 育夫(日水研)
13:00Spatial Variation in Recruitment, Growth and Mortality Rates for the Red Sea Urchin in Northern California
L.E.Morgan (Tiburon-Santa Cruz Lab.,USA), L.W.Botsford and J.F.Quinn (Univ.Calif.,Davis,USA)
13:40Overview of New Zealand Abalone Production, Enhancement and Early-life Research
Rodney D.Roberts(Cawthron Inst.,NZ)・河村知彦・高見秀輝(東北水研)
Session 3 溯河性魚制御系 (座長:東 照雄)
9:00Outlines of the Research Program of Salmon Migration
東 照雄(養殖研日光支所)
9:10Why the Aggressive Behaviour of Salmon Decreases in Smolting Period!; How do They Begin Seaward Migration Synchronously?
9:40Artificial Control of Salmon Homing Migration and Application to Salmon Propagation
上田 宏(北大水産洞爺湖臨湖実験所)
10:10Progressive Technologies for Artificial Production of Anadromous Sockeye Salmon in Japan
浦和茂彦・伴 真俊(さけ・ます資源管理センター)・福若雅章(北水研)・帰山雅秀(北海道東海大)
11:00Flexible Life-history Strategies: A Context for Understanding Migration in Salmonids
J.E.Thorpe (Inst.Biomedical Life Sci.,Univ.Glasgow,UK)
Session 4 浮魚制御系 (座長:大関芳沖)
13:30A Population Dynamic Model for Japanese Sardine -Why the Sardine shows Such A Large Population Fluction?
14:00Ecosystem Processes,Fish Catches, and Fisheries Management - A Canadian Perspective
R.Ian Perry(Pacif.Biol.St.,CANADA)
14:40Large-Scale Fluctuation of Small Pelagic Fish Population and Climate Change: A Review
Yasunobu Matsuura(Inst.Oceanogr.,Univ.Sao Paulo,BRAZIL)
15:40Biological Production Process associated with Frontal Disturbance of the Kuroshio and its Role in Egg and Larval Distribution of Small Pelagic Fish
16:50-Closing RemarksJames Sullivan(California Sea Grant,Univ.Calif.,San Diego,USA)


