混合域海洋環境部 海洋動態研究室セミナー Home Page



No.8. 2009.08.11 志藤文武
Watanabe K., E. Tanaka, S. Yamada and T. Kitakado (2006) Spatial and temporal migration modeling for stock of Pacific saury Cololabis saira (Brevoort), incorporating effect of sea surface temperature, Fish. Sci., 72, 1153-1165.
No.7. 2009.08.05 和川拓
Pickart R. S., G. W. K. Moore, A. M. Macdonald, I. A. Renfrew, J. E. Walsh and W. S. Kessler (2009) Seasonal evolution of Aleutian Low Pressure systems: Implications for the North Pacific Subpolar Circulation, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 39, 1317-1339.
No.6. 2009.07.07 伊藤進一
Pickart R. S. (2000) Bottom boundary layer structure and detachment in the shelfbreak jet of the Middle Atlantic Bight, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 30, 2668-2686.
No.5. 2009.06.12 筧茂穂
Daniel A. Birch, William R. Young, Peter J.S. Franks (2008) Thin layers of plankton: Formation by shear and death by diffusion, Deep-Sea Research I, 55, 277-295.
No.4. 2009.06.02 清水勇吾
Nakanowatari T., K. I. Ohshima, and M. Wakatsuchi (2007) Warming and oxygen decrease of intermediate water in the northwestern North Pacific, originating from the Sea of Okhotsk, 1955-2004, Geophys. Res. Let., 34, L04602, doi:10.1029/2006GL028243
No.3. 2009.05.22 志藤文武
Lee, C.G., A.P. Farrell, A. Lotto, M.J. MacNutt, S.G. Hinch and M.C. Healey (2003) The effect of temperature on swimming performance and oxygen consumption in adult sockeye (/Oncorhynchus nerka/) and coho salmon (/O. kisutch/) salmon stocks. Exp. Biol., 206, 3239-3251.
No.2. 2009.05.08 和川拓
No.1. 2009.04.27 伊藤進一
Nonaka M., H. Nakamura, Y. Tanimoto, T. Kagimoto, H. Sasaki (2009) Interannual-to-decadal variability in the Oyashio and its influence on temperature in the subarctic frontal zone: An eddy-resolving OGCM simulation. J. Clim., 21, 6283-6303.


"Ocean Circulation and Climate: observing and modelling the global ocean" edited by G. Siedler, J. Church, J. Gould

Emery & Thomsonゼミ

"Data Analysyis Methods in Physical Oceanography" by W. J. Emery and R. E. Thomsonを輪講することにしました。



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